One day I was headed to town. When I topped the hill right down the road, I saw an erratic movement in the road. I drove on, keeping my eyes on the movement until I could get close enough to tell what it was. It was a small yellow kitten that had stuck it's inquisitive nose inside a Cheetos bag some idiot had thrown out their car window. It was stuck and couldn't get the bag off it's head. I watched it for about a minute, thinking it'd shake it loose sooner or later but the kitten kept traveling in a somewhat straight line for across the road. I pulled up and stopped (except for the County Shop and a few houses, there's not much down our road so there's not usually much traffic along it). Watching the kitten fighting the bag, I knew it wasn't going to get it off anytime soon. For some reason I was worried about suffocation though it had to have enough air coming around the edges to keep that from happening. It was getting more and more agitated, though. Being the do-gooder that I am, I decided I'd give it a hand. I got out and approached the kitten . It had stopped and was trying to claw the bag off. In all it's moving around, fighting the bag, it hadn't seen or heard me. Keeping as much distance as I could and stretching my arm as far as I could, I got a grip on the bag and ripped it off as fast as I could. I've never seen a cat run that fast! It didn't even hang around long enough to say "Thank you". I despise litterers. There's no excuse for it. Keep it in the car until you get home and dispose of it in your own trash can. Litterers should be hung up in the town square by their toenails...

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